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Frequently asked questions

Yes, at JDJ, we take pride in offering a comprehensive warranty on all our products. Your satisfaction and confidence in our machinery are of utmost importance to us. Feel free to explore our range with the assurance that our products come backed by our commitment to quality and reliability.

Yes, at JDJ, we provide comprehensive assistance throughout the entire sales process. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring a smooth and informed experience for our customers.

We strive to offer prompt delivery tailored to your location. Delivery times may vary based on your specific region in Italy. Our team will ensure to provide you with an accurate delivery estimate once we have your exact address. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to get your order to you as swiftly as possible.

Payment can be conveniently made through either bank transfer or credit card. We offer flexibility in payment options to ensure a seamless and secure transaction process for our valued customers. Should you have any specific preferences or inquiries regarding the payment procedure, please feel free to let us know, and we’ll be more than happy to assist you further.